Softbyte Infotech

Website Technology

WordPress, PHP, Golang & more..

We specialize in creating websites and web-based applications using a variety of technologies such as WordPress, PHP, Magento, CI, Golang, and React.

Our Cutting-Edge Technology Stack

Whether you’re seeking custom work on WordPress, core PHP, PHP-based app websites, Golang development, or projects involving React, Angular, and CI frameworks, we’ve got you covered.

CMS - WordPress

Empower your website with WordPress, a user-friendly content management system (CMS) that makes updating your site as easy as writing an email. It's the perfect choice for dynamic and engaging web content.

Custom Solutions - PHP

 Leverage the power of PHP for tailored web solutions. Our experts use core PHP to create personalized, high-performance websites that cater to your unique business needs.

E-Commerce - Magento

 For robust online stores, we turn to Magento. This powerful e-commerce platform provides a seamless shopping experience for your customers while offering a user-friendly admin panel for you.

Frameworks - CodeIgniter & Laravel

Crafting feature-rich web applications is made easier with frameworks like CodeIgniter and Laravel. These frameworks simplify development, resulting in scalable and efficient solutions.

Efficiency - Golang:

Boost your website's efficiency with Golang. This programming language excels in handling concurrent tasks, ensuring faster load times and improved overall performance.

Our skill sets include but are not limited to..

Languages: JavaScript, PHP, SQL, CSS, HTML, GOLANG

Libraries/Frameworks: Laravel, VueJS, AngularJS, PhoneGap & Ionic Framework, Twitter Bootstrap, Sass, WordPress, Woocommerce, Node.js Express

Databases: Mysql, MongoDB, Firebase

Teamwork Communication Platforms: Trello, Slack, Jira, Confluence, Clickup, Asana

Source Repository: Github, BitBucket

Others: Digital Ocean, AWS S3,

Do you have a sales question?

Whatever it is, our team is happy to support and help in any way. Complete the contact form and we’ll be in touch within 24 hours or just leave message on whatsapp or skype